Category Archives: Squirrel Removal

How to Remove Squirrels from Attic Spaces and Squirrel Prevention Tips

squirells entering attic from hole outsideWhen most people in New Jersey think of where squirrels live, images of grassy parks and forests filled with trees probably come to mind. However, squirrels also have a pesky habit of taking up residence in household attics, which can be a major headache for homeowners.

Here are some tips for how to remove squirrels from attic spaces and where to turn to for help with your squirrel removal problem.

Why Squirrels Nest in Attics

Especially during our cold winter months in New Jersey, attics become perfect nesting places for squirrels. Inside a home’s attics, squirrels can stay warm and dry all winter long, while also being high enough to remain unbothered by other animals and humans.

Squirrels have very strong teeth that allow them to chew through wood, plastic, aluminum, and other materials to gain access to your attic. They are also skilled climbers, who retreat to attic spaces to raise their young after giving birth to baby squirrels.

When Do Squirrels Nest in Attics

Squirrels typically give birth to babies twice per year – between March and May and again between July and August. Female squirrels will look to build nests in attics to raise their young around these time periods of the year.

Signs that you may have squirrels in your attic include scratching or chewing sounds, visual evidence of fecal droppings, chewed-through wires, and increased squirrel activity in other areas on your property.

Dangers of Squirrels in the Attic

Squirrels may look harmless enough, but they can actually cause major damage in your home. They often leave nest debris in attics, and they regularly chew on wood to shave down their constantly growing teeth. In attics, you may find squirrel fecal droppings that pose disease risks, chewed up wooden boards, and wires that have been gnawed through by squirrels. This can cause exposed wires that cause dangerous electrical issues and potential fires in your home.

Preventing Squirrels in Attic Spaces

To prevent squirrel activity in your attic, trim back tree branches at least six to eight feet from your house so squirrels can’t gain easy access to your home. Regularly inspect your house for potential squirrel entry points and use wire hardware cloth to seal attic vents and any holes. Secured hardware cloth can prevent squirrels from gnawing through vents and entering your attic. Another prevention tip is to use squirrel repellants sold at garden and hardware stores to deter squirrel activity.

How Precise Termite & Pest Control Can Help with Squirrel Removal from Attic

Our licensed and professional specialists have years of experience handling squirrel removal from attics and ensuring that these pests stay out of attics for many years to come. At the first signs of a squirrel problem, call us at 866-971-2847 for a free home inspection. We will gladly schedule with you to come inspect your attic for squirrels and address any other pest concerns you may have while we’re onsite.

Squirrels belong out in nature, not in your attic, and we’re committed to keeping it that way!

5 Pests That Cause Fire Optic Cable Damage & How to Stop Them

Fiber optic cables aren’t cheap, and a lot of planning goes into installing these cables for your network. These cabling systems deliver telecommunications and high-performance data networking across long distances and are useful for the devices we depend upon. However, pests can damage these valuable cables and cause severe fiber optic damage. Here are five pests that cause fiber optic damage and how to stop them effectively.

1. Squirrels

Since fiber optic cables are often mounted onto poles and towers, they are easily accessible for squirrels that are expert climbers. There are theories that suggest squirrels like chewing through these cables because of the peanut oil used in manufacturing or to sharpen their teeth. Whatever, the reason, squirrels cause a significant amount of the damage to the home and fiber optic cables in elevated locations.

2. Mice

Fiber optic cables are also attractive to mice, which are known to chew through various types of wiring. Many people wonder why do rodents chew wires at all, and no it’s not out of spite for high-speed technology! The teeth of mice and rats are growing constantly, and wires help to keep those teeth trimmed and effective for eating food.

3. Termites

Termites are best known for eating wood, but they can also do damage to fiber optic cables. These cables can be installed in the ground, which is where termites live and thrive.

4. Birds

Birds can also cause fiber optic cable damage to cables hung above the ground by simply sitting on them in mass numbers. You’ll often see large flocks of birds sitting on overhead cabling, and the grip of their feet can lead to cable failures, as well as their combined weight from nesting on the poles. A bird infestation can cause many home damages, do not let them damage your fiber optic cable as well.

5. Gophers

Another animal that is known to defy even the best fiber optic cable protection strategies is the gopher. Gophers are resilient and have not always been scared away by poor-tasting additives put on wires to deter mice. Gophers commonly damage fiber optic cables that are buried underground.

Fiber Optic Cable Protection

If you are concerned about pests around your property and fiber optic protection, Precise Pest Control can help. We are experts in all of the types of pests that infest New Jersey, and we’re committed to protecting what’s important to you and your family. If you notice fiber optic cable damage, pests could be to blame. However, various forms of extermination, pest relocation, and preventative measures can help protect the fiber optic cables that you depend upon. At the first signs of damage, call us at 866-971-2847 or contact us online to look into the situation for you during a free inspection.

How to Make a Squirrel Baffle & Why These Devices Are Effective

As they run around the yard and up trees, squirrels may look harmless enough. However, squirrels can actually cause a lot of damage to the inside and outside of your home. This damage includes chewing holes in your home’s exterior, chewing wires inside your home, tearing home insulation, and leaving behind waste that poses a health hazard. This is why squirrel baffles have become so popular among homeowners. This article will explain what a squirrel baffle is, why they work well, and how to make a squirrel baffle of your own at home.

What Is a Squirrel Baffle?

Whether store-bought or homemade, a squirrel baffle is a device that deters squirrels from climbing to the top of birdfeeders and eating the food you’ve left out for birds. They often feature a cylindrical shape that rotates and provides an unstable and slippery climbing surface for pests. Homeowners mount these squirrel guards on poles that lead up to birdseed and in a position far enough from the ground and food so it cannot be jumped to.

How Squirrel Baffles Aid Pest Control

If squirrels know that there is a readily available source of food in your yard, they are more likely to congregate around your home. More squirrels in your yard translate into a higher risk of inside and outside damage caused by squirrels. Removing access to their food source is a great first step for pest prevention.

Making Your Own DIY Squirrel Guard

There are many commercially sold squirrel baffles that you can buy in stores and online today, including ones that are dome-shaped, cylinder-shaped, and disk-shaped. They come in various colors and can actually look quite stylish as yard décor.

However, you can also save money and take squirrel control into your own hands by making your own DIY squirrel guard at home. One method involves using a jigsaw to cut the bottom out of a large stainless steel mixing bowl and attaching the squirrel guard with bolts and L-brackets to a bird feeder pole. You can also make a DIY version with a stovepipe, end cap, metal screws, and hose clamp – all materials commonly found at a hardware store. Just make sure to place your squirrel guard more than four feet high so that squirrels can’t jump past it and access birdseed.

How Precise Pest Control Can Help Prevent Squirrel Damage

Squirrel baffles are a great way to help deter pests from your yard, but this device alone often isn’t enough for serious squirrel problems in New Jersey. If squirrels have already invaded your yard, we can help remove them and prevent them from multiplying and spreading diseases. Call Precise Pest Control at 866-971-2847 at the first sign of squirrel damage for your free inspection before your pest issue worsens.

Squirrel Diseases That Can Be Spread to Humans

Grey squirrelSquirrels may look harmless while climbing trees and running through the park. But squirrels can actually carry a range of dangerous diseases, some of which can be transferred to humans and pets.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to know the early warning signs of the presence of squirrels in your home so that you can reduce your exposure to squirrel poop and prevent sickness in your family.

This article will describe various squirrel diseases, squirrel disease symptoms, and what you can do to prevent and rid your home of squirrels.

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The Winter Activities of Squirrels and How to Prevent Them from Destroying Your Property

christmas banner background; cute squirrel in winter garden

Unlike some animals, squirrels do not hibernate in the winter, and in fact, they’re very active all winter long. When winter storms hit, like they do so often in New Jersey, squirrels take shelter in their nests until the harshest conditions pass. This habit poses its own set of problems to homeowners.

In this article, we’ll talk about what squirrels get up to in the winter and how to safely, effectively, and legally prevent them from destroying your property.

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Bergen County Squirrel Control in 6 Easy Steps

bergen county squirrel control services

In cold weather areas with snow and below-freezing temperatures, animals have to seek shelter to ward off the cold. Bears hibernate in dens, rabbits and foxes retreat below ground, and citified squirrels are more than likely to invade nearby houses to set up their cozy and warm nests.
Having a family of squirrels wintering in your attic might make a charming storyline for a children’s book, but in reality, it’s a nuisance that nobody needs or wants. The troublesome pests can damage the house by gnawing on wooden boards that support the roof. Worse yet, they can chew through electrical wiring, causing sparking and short fuses that can potentially turn into a serious fire. Continue reading

Top Ten Facts About Squirrels

squirrel removal bergen county

With over 265 different species and living on every continent except Antarctica and Australia; squirrels are one of nature’s most ubiquitous mammals. They reside in nearly every environment available and are a common fixture throughout the US and Europe. Here are ten other fascinating facts about these clever animals. Continue reading

Are Squirrels Becoming a Nuisance in Your Home and Yard?

One of the biggest threats to any well-manicured landscape is the furry-tailed pest better known as the squirrel. New Jersey is home to a variety of squirrels that can seek shelter in parts of your home. Kids might adore them, but homeowners wish them away every year. From wood patios to just-planted bulbs, it seems as though nothing’s safe where the squirrels are concerned. Speaking to a knowledgeable squirrel removal service is your best bet to rid your home of this pests.

Protect Your Flowers

Bulbs can be very expensive and the process of mapping out and planting them is time consuming, so it is with justification that homeowners are incensed when they find the bulbs missing and a squirrel is to blame. Luckily, there are a few options for protecting your garden.

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Squirrels: A Health and Home Hazard

Squirrels are seemingly cute, harmless, little critters and when they are in their natural habitat. However, once they enter your home, they become hazardous to both your health and house. Once they have entered your home, hiring a reliable and experienced squirrel pest control company should be the next step to take.

Health Hazards:

Most people become suspicious that they may have a squirrel infestation by the noise produced by the animals. Scurrying, scratching, and mysterious bumps are the most common noises made by squirrels. While these sounds come at all hours of the day and can be irritating, they are the least of your worries. The biggest health concern is disease transmission. Squirrels are known to carry rabies, and tetanus. They also carry parasites that carry their own set of diseases. Squirrels bring ticks and fleas inside your house. Once a flea enters your house, it will make its home in your carpet, on your pet, or on furniture and become difficult to eliminate. Squirrels mark their territory by spraying their urine and droppings. Contact with squirrel droppings is proved to cause salmonella and Leptospirosis. Salmonella causes diarrhea while Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection accompanied with flu like symptoms. Neither disease is life threatening except in rare cases involving very young children or the elderly. Squirrels will also bite or scratch if they feel threatened.

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