Ant Control and Removal in Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Sussex and Essex Counties
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All ants live in colonies, consisting of an egg-laying female (queen), short-lived males, and workers (sterile females). The ants you see foraging in your garden or kitchen are workers. Workers that find food communicate with other workers by depositing a chemical message on the ground as they crawl back to the nest. Although we cannot smell it, this “trail pheromone” sticks for long periods of time and helps other ants find the food at the end of the trail.
Why You Shouldn’t Try Ant Removal Yourself
Ants are a very tricky pest control problem. Most of the general pest control products will list ants on their label, but that does not mean they are effective against ants. Just because a product will kill an ant does not mean it will solve an ant infestation. In fact, some products may make your problem worse, due to an ant’s ability to smell and detect most pesticides, professional or Do-It-Yourself depot products.
Baits are one of the more effective solutions to controlling ants. Identifying the ant is crucial in selecting effective ant bait. Just because an ant looks like a little black ant does not mean it is a little black ant. What you think is a little black ant could be a red ant, a brown ant, a harvester ant, a pharaoh ant, a carpenter and the list goes on. Plus even after identifying the ant and selecting a good ant bait, where you place the ant bait will change its effectiveness.
Fortunately, ant problems are entirely controllable under professional ant control care with a licensed ant exterminator. However, the quality and price of service you will receive varies widely from company to company. Precise Pest Control doesn’t just postpone the problem, we stop it at the source so it doesn’t keep coming back. Using state-of-the art equipment and methods, our licensed ant exterminators will inspect your home’s environment and construction to identify the problem and determine the best course of action. So if you have ant control problem in New Jersey or want to make sure you don’t get one, count on us to break the pest life-cycle and prevent future infestations.
Northern New Jersey Carpenter Ant Control
More than just eating up all your food and being a general nuisance, carpenter ants can cause extensive damage to your home’s infrastructure, and for every one you do see, there could be hundreds more hiding in the walls. Carpenter ants damage wood and insulation by excavating tunnels, and they are capable of causing more harm to your home than even termites. Fortunately, a carpenter ant problem is entirely controllable under professional care. However, the quality and price of service you will receive varies widely from company to company.
Carpenter Ants: Facts, Identification & Control
Among the largest ants, from 1/4- to 3/8-inch long. The most common species is black, but some have reddish or yellowish coloration. Workers have large mandibles.
Resides both outdoors and indoors in moist, decaying or hollow wood. They cut “galleries” into the wood grain to provide passageways for movement from section to section of the nest. Carpenter ants sometimes leave “sawdust” behind that provides clues to nesting location.
Does not eat wood, but will feed on nearly anything people eat—particularly sweets and meats.
Queen lays 15 to 20 eggs the first year and up to 30 eggs the second year. Eggs complete their life cycle in about 60 days. Worker ants can live up to seven years, while a queen may live up to 25 years.
Carpenter Ant Facts:

Natural Habitat – click to enlarge
Ants of the genus Camponotus are known as carpenter ants because they prefer to establish their colonies in galleries excavated from damp or damaged wood. Carpenter ants clean their nesting sites, and their galleries are not lined with mud or moist soil as termite galleries typically are. Carpenter ant workers keep their galleries as smooth as sandpapered wood.
Because the size and color of carpenter ants vary between species and even between individuals within a single colony, these characteristics are not used in identifying carpenter ant infestation. Identification of carpenter ant species can only be made through careful observation of specific physical characteristics.
In natural environments, carpenter ants dwell in both dead and living trees, stumps and rotting logs. However, they may also establish their nests inside of homes and buildings where wood is found. Carpenter ants prefer to establish nests in areas where wood has been exposed to severe moisture.
Carpenter ants build two types of nests: parent colonies and satellite colonies. Parent colonies consist of a queen, her brood, and workers. Satellite colonies consist only of thousands of workers. Workers create satellite colonies when the parent colony lacks sufficient space or when there is a suitable supply of food or water. Satellite colonies are typically located within 20 to 40 feet from the parent nest. There may be several satellite colonies associated with a parent colony.
Carpenter Ant Removal in Northern New Jersey: Hire An Ant Exterminator
In dealing with carpenter ant control, it is necessary to first find the nest. Once found, it can be removed or treated chemically. All moisture conditions that the ants found conducive must be corrected.
If treated quickly, carpenter ants are seldom responsible for serious structural damage to houses and buildings. However, these ants could cause extreme damage if they continue undiscovered for an extended period. Thus, it is best to contact a carpenter ant control professional in the event of an infestation. It is advisable to seek professional help when trying to get rid of ants, as incorrect procedures may allow the colony to “rebound” when surviving members resume their burrowing and foraging.
Why Precise Pest Control Services?
At Precise Termite and Pest Control, we don’t just postpone the issue; we stop it at the source so it doesn’t keep coming back. Using state-of-the art equipment and methods, our licensed exterminators will inspect your home’s environment and construction to identify the problem and determine the best course of action. So if you need carpenter ant removal in New Jersey, count on Precise Termite and Pest Control to break the pest life-cycle and prevent future infestations.
Contact Precise Pest Control & Get Rid Of Those Ants Today
With over 30 years of experience in the NJ Ant Exterminator Industry, we are Dependable, Professional, and Qualified when it comes to ant control. Our licensed technicians understand the importance of delivering services to your complete satisfaction. That is why we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
We can come to your home or business and perform a free, complete evaluation of all your access points. We will rid you of all pests and then we can work with you to prevent future invasion with the installation of ant control devices, traps and seals. We specialize in ant control services for New Jersey and know how important it is to take care of ant problems quickly, so we pride ourselves on our fast response time! For emergency treatments and simple call-backs alike, we’ll be in touch soon!
If you are experiencing an ant issue and need an ant exterminator, don’t hesitate to call us (866-971-2847). We provide ant exterminator service in Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Essex, and Sussex Counties and other counties of New Jersey.