Category Archives: Bee Removal

Risks of Yellow Jacket Stings and How to Treat Them

Yellow Jacket on a yellow flower

wasp in a yellow flower.

Various pests pose risks to human health, including mosquitoes, mice, bees, and ticks. Yellow jackets are another major concern in our area because these wasps are predatory insects that build large nests and produce painful stings.

In this Precise Termite & Pest Control article, we discuss the danger of yellow jacket stings and how to take care of yourself if you or someone else suffers from one.

What Are Yellow Jackets?

Yellow jackets are social wasps that are yellow and black in color. They are drawn to sweet foods, meat, and sugary drinks, making them troublesome pests for picnics and backyard barbecues.

Yellow jackets exist worldwide but are particularly common in the eastern and southeastern U.S. The insects live in large colonies and are prone to stinging people if their colonies are disturbed because of their protective nature. Thousands of yellow jackets often live in nests, which can become very large and are made up of wood fibers mixed with saliva.

Symptoms of Yellow Jacket Stings

Yellow jacket stings cause pain, swelling, redness, burning, and itchiness of the affected skin area. However, some people are allergic to yellowjacket stings and develop anaphylaxis, which can lead to wheezing, trouble breathing and swallowing, hives, throat tightness, sweating, dizziness, and fainting.

Risks of Yellow Jacket Stings

Yellow jackets are part of our natural environment and are essential for pollination, biodiversity, and the food chain. But that certainly doesn’t mean you want aggressive and dangerous insects living on your property or putting you and your family at risk of stings.

You can reduce your risk of yellowjacket stings by wearing insect repellant and avoiding common nest areas, such as tree stumps and hollow logs. Bright clothing, perfume, and scented beauty projects attract yellow jackets, so avoid these things while outdoors. You can also prevent yellow jacket interactions by throwing out food scraps as soon as you are done eating outside.

Yellow Jacket Sting First Aid Tips

If you know you are allergic to yellow jackets, call 911 immediately for emergency help, and use an EpiPen right away if you have one. A severe yellow jacket sting may require CPR to restore breathing, epinephrine, intravenous antihistamines, corticosteroids, and breathing support.

If you do not have an allergy, you can typically treat the sting at home with DIY remedies. First, remove the stinger by pulling it out with tweezers or using a clean, blunt straightedge. Wash the sting site with antibacterial soap and place an ice pack on the wound to reduce pain and swelling. Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest while recovering from a sting.

Hydrocortisone or calamine lotion may help address the symptoms, as well as ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Professional Help with Yellow Jackets

If you notice yellow jacket nests on your property or these insects flying around your home, it is time to call a professional exterminator. We offer bee removal and hornet extermination services that are safe and affordabe.

Don’t put yourself, other people in your household, or guests at risk of getting stung by yellow jackets. Even if you aren’t allergic, these stings are very painful and can often be avoided by smart habits and effective pest control.

For your free yellow jacket inspection, please call us at 866-971-2847 or contact us online.

Signs You Have Bees in Your Walls and How to Get Rid of Them

swarm of bees on wood houseThere are few things more unsettling as a homeowner than hearing buzzing sounds coming from within your walls. After all, the walls of your home are supposed to be durable and impenetrable to provide 24/7 protection from outdoor risks and hazards. However, bees can actually find their way into walls of buildings and be very difficult to get out.


Here are the signs that you have bees in your walls and the best approaches for getting them out.


Why Bees Get in Walls


Bees love to find dry, dark, and safe conditions to live in. If you have cracks, crevices, or gaps in your walls, these can be places for bees to hide and take shelter. Bees are drawn to wall cavities that form from natural wear and tear in your walls over time or due to another rodent or insect infestation. As professional exterminators in northern New Jersey, we have seen bees get into walls around plumbing and electrical wires, through gaps in siding, and around window openings too.


Some bees are more likely than others to get in your walls, including carpenter, bumble, and mason bees. It is risky to have bees in your walls because someone in your household could get stung, which is especially problematic if anyone is allergic to bees. If bees die while inside your walls, their combs can melt and stain your walls.


Signs of Bees in the Walls


The most common sign of bees in walls is a buzzing sound that indicates that bees are making a nest inside. You may also notice more bees outside the affected wall area, either suddenly or more than usual.


Another sign of bees in walls is an active hive near your home. Bees in walls may leave behind stains on ceilings and walls. They can destroy the wood and drywall while also attracting ants, rodents, and other pests.


How to Get Rid of Bees in Your Walls


It can be frightening and frustrating to have bees in your walls. Therefore, the best way to get rid of bees in walls is to contact Precise Termite & Pest Control for a free inspection to assess the level of the bee problem and remove them safely and humanely.


Bee removal is not a DIY endeavor, as many people end up in emergency rooms each year after trying to handle a dangerous bee infestation themselves. We have a team of highly trained bee removal specialists who can help you achieve a bee-free home with the right equipment and prevent bees from coming back in the future.


Preventing Bee Infestations Around Your Home


In addition to the bee prevention services that we provide, there are things that you can do to prevent bees from getting back into your walls. If you notice gaps, holes, or other damage to your walls, repair them as soon as possible before they become attractive habitats to bees and other pests. Use caulk to fill holes in the walls, roof, and foundation of your home, and make sure that chimneys, vents, and utility holes are covered properly. Bees are not likely to live exclusively in walls and will typically find their way out into your main living quarters if given the opportunity.


Call us at 866-971-2847 at the first signs of bee activity in your walls to be proactive about a potential infestation and take care of your household members and guests.


How to Identify Hives: Bees, Wasps, and More

beehiveIf you discover insect activity around your home, chances are that a hive or nest is close by too. These shelters look different based on the type of insects that made them, and some are more dangerous to be around than others.


In this article, we are covering hive identification tips so you can learn about the types of bee nests and what to do when you find a bee or wasp hive on your property.


The Importance of Hive Identification


If you find a hive, it is helpful to know what kind it is so that you know who to call for help. For example, if you have a bee hive on your property, you may choose to hire a local beekeeper who can make use of the bees and honey in a productive way.


However, hives that are bothersome or dangerous require the expertise of a professional exterminator who can safely remove the hive without putting you at risk. Regularly inspecting a hive at your home can help you assess the severity of a potential infestation and whether the insects inside are beneficial or a nuisance.


Bee Hive Identification


There are different types of bee nests because the various species of bees prefer different structures to live in. For example, honeybees thrive in hollow trees and man-made hive box structures. Bumblebees build their nests underground and prefer hidden places like abandoned mice holes and spaces underneath sheds. Carpenter bees build their nests in trees and on the sides or eaves of buildings.


Meanwhile, wasp nests are typically paper-like and gray in color. Wasps build nests in trees, inside sheds and garages, and in other places out in the open. You may find yellow jacket nests in the ground, but other wasps choose to build hives under picnic tables, inside light fixtures, and underneath wood awnings. Unlike bees, wasps do not make honeycombs, so you won’t see the hexagon-shaped clusters of honeycombs if you have wasps.


Bees Nest vs. Wasp Nest


In general, beehives are larger than wasp nests. Wasp nests are often umbrella-shaped and only about two to six inches in diameter. Bee nests can be made of honeycomb, while wasps make their nests with wood pulp and mud.


Beehives can accommodate tens of thousands of bees, while wasp nests can usually only hold a couple of dozen wasps. Look for beehives out in gardens and meadows where there are flowering plants, and look for wasp nests in protected areas, such as overhangs.


Other Types of Hives and Nests


In addition to bees and wasps, you might see other hives or nests around your property and need to identify them. Ants build nests that look like mounds of dirt and extend underground through potentially extensive tunnels. Termites also build nests in underground areas and can eat away at the wooden structures of homes. However, nests are the creations of social insects, and less social insects do not typically build nests, such as stink bugs and Asian beetles.


What to Do When You Find a Hive


Whenever you find a hive on your property in Northern New Jersey, Precise Termite & Pest Control should be your first call. We will send one of our trained specialists out to your home for a free inspection and to confirm what type of hive or nest it is. From that point, we can advise you on the best course of action so that the insects are handled in a safe and humane way without putting you and your family at risk.


Contact us for hive identification help or to handle any kind of pest problem you encounter in Northern New Jersey!

Understanding Bee Swarms and How to Deal with Them

bees swarming a tree branchBees are known for doing lots of different things, such as flying, buzzing, and pollinating flowers. But something else that bees do is swarm, which is how bee colonies continue to survive and create new colonies. Swarming is a natural and essential part of a bee’s life, but seeing a swarm of bees can be very concerning for an unsuspecting homeowner.


Here is what you should know about bee swarms and what to do when you see swarms of bees around your house.


What Are Bee Swarms?


A bee swarm looks like a mass of bees moving together through the air. Bees swarm for a few different reasons. For example, swarming occurs when a bee hive gets too crowded and some of the bees must move on to a different location. Also, all of the bees in a colony might leave an existing hive because of lack and food or water, a human disturbance, or other issues that put the bees at risk.


Why Swarms of Bees Are a Problem


Bee swarms can be very unsettling to see around your home, but swarming time is actually when bees are most docile. At this time, the bees are primarily concerned with relocating rather than defending themselves. After a swarm of bees find its new home, they will return to defensive mode in full force to protect the queen as she lays eggs and as they start building wax comb.


Yet bee swarms can be problematic for homeowners because of the fear they cause people, especially kids and anyone who is allergic to bees. Pest control companies like Precise Termite & Pest Control, often receive panicked phone calls from residents about bee swarms. But it’s important to remember that bees are essential to our ecosystem, that swarming bees are typically less dangerous than non-swarming bees, and that we are just a phone call away (866-971-2847) whenever you need help.


When and How Long Bee Swarms Happen


Bee swarms are most common during the spring, but they can happen any time between spring and fall. The most common months for bee swarms are April, May, and June.


Bees are most likely to swarm on days with pleasant weather and between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Swarming may last between 24 and 36 hours. The swarm may linger in your yard for just a few hours up to a couple days before moving on.


What You Should Do If You See Swarms of Bees


Although it might be difficult in the moment, the first thing to do when you see a swarm of bees is to react calmly and not panic. For your own safety, do not attention to corral the swarm, spray it, catch it, or disturb it in any way. Dealing with bees requires protective gear and training in beekeeping.


Swarms of bees are actually quite beautiful to watch, so you might even want to grab your phone and take a video – from a safe distance away, of course. If the swarm becomes problematic, you can contact your local beekeeper association to have a beekeeper come out to your property and catch the swarm and transfer them to a backyard apiary. You can also contact Precise Termite & Pest Control for professional bee elimination services. We are committed to serving the counties of Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Essex, and Sussex.


Contact us to learn more about our bee services or to schedule your free bee inspection.

The Late Life Cycle of a Bee and Staying Bee-Free in the Fall

bees on wood planksThe amount of time that a bee lives varies based on the type of bee and the season. Drone bees, for example, rarely survive through a winter but worker honey bees just become inactive when the winter season comes. This article explores the hibernation patterns of bees, bee activity at the end of the year, and how to get rid of bees if you notice them around your home.

The Life of an Adult Bee

There are four stages of life for a bee: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult phase begins when the bee emerges from the capped cell of the pupa stage and is free to start fulfilling its role in the bee caste system. Honey bees are either worker bees, drone bees, or queen bees – all essential roles to keep the hive functioning properly. The developmental period for a bee is between 16 and 24 days.

Do Bees Hibernate?

Yes, some types of bees hibernate to survive the cold winter and extend their lifespan until the next year. Bumble bee queens mate and find a safe place to nest for the winter while the rest of the colony dies off in the cold. Hibernation is important for the queen bee so she can burn very little energy and slow down her metabolism in the winter and avoid death. However, honey bees stay fully awake during the winter and do not hibernate. A honey bee colony is active all winter long with the bees eating and working to store away food.

Bees Through the Seasons

Many types of bees become less active in the winter and are not seen because they are either hibernating, staying inside for warmth, or dying off. Bee activity picks up in the spring when the weather gets warm and plants start to bloom. Bees are very active in the summer months, and then they start to prepare for the winter during the fall season to continue the cycle of life.

Getting Rid of Bees in the Late Fall

Bee removal is a common service that we provide at Precise Termite and Pest Control in the fall because they are prominently out and about preparing for winter. During this time of year, bees get into food-gathering mode to stock up on supplies for cold days ahead. This means that you may see more bee activity as the bees make preparations to help their colonies survive.

Contact Precise Termite and Pest Control at 866-971-2847 for a free bee inspection and consultation about how to handle the bees in your yard. We’ll check all potential bee habitats, ensure that items around your home aren’t attracting bees, and safely and humanely remove bees so that you aren’t burdened by them. We look forward to serving you in Northern New Jersey.

How Long Do Bees Live, and Why Are They Troublesome Pests?

bee on yellow flower

Bees are insects that are fascinating, terrifying, beneficial, and harmful all at the same time. This is because there are numerous types of bees that each have their own habits and patterns. To help you learn more about bees, this article will answer the question of “how long do bees live?” and discuss a bee’s life cycle and why they can be pests.

How Long Do Bees Live?

As you might expect, different types of bees live for different amounts of time. Also, the length of time a bee lives also depends on the season.

For example, worker honey bees live for about five to six weeks during the active season but up to four to six months during the inactive winter season. Drone bees die within hours of mating with the queen bee and rarely survive through a winter. There are more than 500 species of stingless bees, and some of these bees can live for three years or longer. Queen bees have the longest life cycles and average two to five years of life. However, some queen bees have lived up to seven years.

What Affects Bees’ Life Spans?

Many bees die of natural causes but are sometimes eaten by other bees. Bees’ life spans are also impacted by diseases and infections that can impact the entire colony. Pesticides and habitat loss can make bees die sooner than they would naturally as well. Human interference affects the lives of bees and is a leading cause for habitat loss.

Life Cycles of a Bee

Bees develop through four stages of life: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This process is shortest for queens and a few days longer for worker bees and drones – overall between about 16 to 24 days to reach maturity. Honey bees lay eggs in wax honeycombs, and new bees hatch about three days after a bee lays eggs. The larval stage lasts about five days for eating and growing before bees enter the pupal stage, which is when bees form their eyes, wings, and legs. When bees become adults, they instinctively know their role in the hive and how to function in their society.

Why Bees Are Problematic

Bees are most troublesome for humans when they sting because bee stings are painful and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Certain types of bees can carry diseases that affect humans as well. Honey is a desirable product that comes from bees; however, it can also attract other insects and stain or damage structures on your property.

How to Get Rid of Bees on Your Property

Bee control should always be handled by an extermination professional because of the dangers bees can cause. Precise Termite & Pest Control specializes in safe and humane bee removal, and we’ve been keeping Northern New Jersey pest-free for over 30 years.

We’ll find and take care of bee nests around your home and property so you can go outdoors without fear of being stung. Call us at the first sign of a bee problem and we’ll come out for a free inspection.

The Various Types of Bees and Wasps in New Jersey

swarm of bees on wood houseMost people spend their lives trying to avoid bees and wasps as much as possible due to the threat of stings. But if you’re a homeowner, it makes sense to learn about the different species so that you can identify them on your property can call for professional help when needed.

Here’s an overview of the most common varieties of wasps and types of bees in NJ.

Carpenter Bees

As the name suggests, carpenter bees have a habit of boring into wood to make their nests. This is problematic because of the damage they can cause to your home and other wooden structures that you have built. These types of bees in NJ can be territorial and sting if a person comes to close to their nests. However, the real threat of these bees is with the structural damage they cause.


Honeybees are a beneficial species of insect that spread pollen and help flowers, fruits, and vegetables to grow. These types of bees in NJ typically only react to humans when they feel threatened. But their stings can be severe and cause pain, burning, redness, and even life-threatening symptoms if you have an allergy.

Bumble Bees

Bumblebees are common in our area, and these bees usually build nests close to the ground. Therefore, it is easy to stumble upon bumble bee habitats and put yourself in danger. Bumble bees also have a role in the pollination of wildflowers. They are not as defensive as other types of bees but can sting multiple times in a row, which is risky to people with bee allergies.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps live in small colonies and are not very aggressive. However, they can sting multiple times to protect themselves from threats and have venom that cause allergic reactions. These wasps get their name because they build nests from paper materials and often live in the eaves, rafters, and porch ceilings of homes.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets also live on New Jersey properties and are often found buzzing around flowers. These wasps can be aggressive and sting if they are provoked, which is very painful.

Mud Dauber Wasps

Mud dauber wasps are generally calm insects that build nets and rarely attack people. But although stings are rare, they are possible and can cause redness and swelling of the skin. These are solitary wasps that build nests in mud around homes and other property structures.

Get Help with All Types of Bees and Wasps in New Jersey

No matter which type of bee or wasp you’re dealing with, Precise Termite & Pest Control is here to help. We specialize in New Jersey bee and wasp removal and provide free inspections to help you safely control pests. Contact us at the first signs of a bee or wasp problem to protect yourself and your property!

Where Carpenter Bees Nest and How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Nests

carpenter bee hole nest in wood

There are thousands of species that exist in our world, including carpenter bees that are common in New Jersey. Carpenter bees have unique nesting habits and can cause significant damage to your home if an infestation is not promptly addressed.

Here is some information about carpenter bees’ nests and what you can do to prevent and get rid of them around your yard.

Common Places for Carpenter Bees’ Nests

As their name suggests, carpenter bees nest in wood to store pollen and survive the winter season. House frames and eaves are common places for carpenter bee nests, especially if these areas have bare wood rather than stained wood. Outdoor patio furniture made of wood, rafters, decks, and siding are also common places for carpenter bees to nest.

Nesting and Mating Habits of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are unique in that they are solitary insects and do not live in colonies like other types of bees. These bees find mates when they emerge into the spring season and then burrow into wooden structures to create nests for females to lay their eggs. Meanwhile, the male carpenter bees guard the nests to protect the females and offspring from predators. Once the offspring is born, the parent carpenter bees will often die naturally in in these nests.

Damage Caused by Carpenter Bees Nest in Wood

Carpenter bees cause damage similar to termites because of their wood-boring nature. This is problematic because wood that has been compromised by a carpenter bee nest is prone to moisture damage and decay over time. This can make the structure of your home less secure and result in costly home repairs in the future. Holes in wood caused by carpenter bees can also attract woodpeckers and fungi growth.

How to Prevent and Get Rid of a Carpenter Bees Nest

To prevent carpenter bee infestations, inspect your home on a regular basis for holes and cracks. Seal up any gaps you find, and also make a point to repair screens on windows and doors that have tears in them.

When it comes to carpenter bee removal, it is best to trust trained professionals who know how to handle these troublesome pests. Precise Termite and Pest Control has been keeping Northern New Jersey pest-free for over 30 years and is offering 10 percent off new annual contracts for pest control services.

At the first sign of unusual bee activity or wood damage around your home, call us at 866-971-2847 and we’ll send an expert exterminator out for a free inspection.

How to Prevent a Carpenter Bee Infestation at Your Home

carpenter bee carving into woodCarpenter bees are unlike other types of common bees in that they bore into wood and are not social insects. Instead, these bees build their nests individually and can cause damage to the structure of your home.

To help you prevent a carpenter bee infestation, here are some details about these insects, where to find their nests, and who to call for extermination assistance.

Where Carpenter Bees Make Nest

Carpenter bees love to build their nests outside in trees or in the eaves or frames of houses.  The bees do not live in these nests but rather just use nests to store pollen here for when the weather turns cold.

You may notice smooth and round holes bore into the wood of your home if you have a carpenter bee infestation. The bees prefer bare wood to stained wood. Places to check around your home for carpenter bees are eaves, boards, siding, rafters, decks, and outdoor wood furniture.

Damage Caused by Carpenter Beers

Although carpenter bees are wood-boring insects, they typically don’t cause as much damage as termites. However, they are still a big nuisance to homeowners because they cause wood structures to retain moisture and become prone to rot and decay.

After these bees create tunnels in the wood, woodpeckers are known to become attracted to these new holes and create further pest damage. Only female carpenter bees are capable of causing painful bee stings because males have no stinging capability; however, it is recommended to steer clear of all stinging insects.

Preventing a Carpenter Bee Infestation

The best way to prevent a carpenter bee infestation is to inspect your home regularly for strange holes and seal up cracks and crevices that you notice. Use a silicon caulk to seal up any holes and repair screen tears in windows and doors too.

Insecticides can deter carpenter bees from expanding their wood tunnels. After using insecticide, seal up the hole so that the bees can no longer access the tunnel. Carpenter bee traps may also be used by experienced professionals to curb a household bee problem.

Carpenter Bee Infestation House Help

At the first signs of holes or tunnels in the wood of your home, contact Precise Termite and Pest Control for a free inspection to assess the extent of your carpenter bee infestation house issue.

We specialize in all types of New Jersey bee removal and have the knowledge and experience to safely and humanely remove bees from your home so that your home and family are no longer at risk. A carpenter bee problem will only get worse if you ignore it, so don’t delay calling us at 866-971-2847.

The Many Types of Bug Bites and Stings & How to Differentiate Them

Getting bitten or stung by an insect is never pleasant, but some bites and stings are more serious and uncomfortable than others. Furthermore, if you didn’t see the actual insect land on your skin, you might not be sure exactly what caused symptoms like itching, pain, swelling, and redness.

Here is some information about the different types of bug bites and stings and how to differentiate them to pursue the best course of treatment.

Spider Bites

Many spider bites are harmless, but others are dangerous and require immediate medical attention. Spider bites typically look like two small puncture marks and have a single raised papule or pustule. Spiders, such as brown recluses and black widows, are very dangerous when they bite. Meanwhile, some people have allergic reaction to even the most common spiders. The symptoms of a spider bite may be unnoticeable at first but worsen after two to eight hours.

Tick Bites

If you’ve been bitten by a tick, you’ll likely notice swelling and pain at the affected area. You may also notice blisters forming, a rash, and a burning sensation. Since ticks can remain attached to skin for long periods of time, it is best to remove the entire tick with tweezers. A skin reaction at the site of a tick bite can be symptomatic for several days or even weeks.

Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites appear as small, round, and swollen bumps that appear very soon after you’ve been bit. They may occur as a single bite or occur in clusters. Mosquito bites are usually very itchy, but the itch should subside within a few days.

Bee Stings

After being stung by a bee, the skin develops a white spot where the stinger went into the skin. You may experience itching, pain, swelling, and redness after being stung by a bee. The symptoms of a bee sting typically peak after about 24 to 48 hours and may last for several days after that.

Wasp Stings

Unlike bees that only sting one time, wasps can sting multiple times if they become aggressive. Wasp stings can be itchy and result in swelling, sharp pain, and redness. You’ll also notice raised welts around the place you were stung. With wasp stings, the redness and swelling will typically increase for two to three days after being stung and then subside after that.

One of the best ways to prevent these types of bites and stings (and many others too) is to keep your home and yard pest-free. At Precise Pest Control, we offer effective, prompt, safe, and affordable pest control solutions to help you minimize your risks. At the first signs of a pest problem or as a preventative measure, contact us for a free inspection.