Removal is simple when done by a qualified professional New Jersey bat removal company. With natural habitat such as caves and mines becoming rarer, bats are adapting by finding other structures in which to nest. They can cause havoc if they decide to make their home within yours.
Bats provide a crucial role in the control of flying insects, eating vast numbers of mosquitoes and other pests every night. This is why many people actually attempt to attract them to their yards by building bat-specific boxes and placing them in strategic locations. Bat boxes do attract them, but won’t draw them into your home.
They may not be the vicious creatures as depicted in myths dating back hundreds of years, but they can cause quite a nuisance and have been known to carry rabies. Rabies is not common in bats, but if it is present it should be considered a deadly disease. A bat will not purposely grab onto your hair in order to bite you as some myths suggest. They fly by using a sophisticated sonar system called echolocation, which allows them to find the tiniest of insects no matter how dark it may be. When they fly near you, it’s likely that there are bugs around and they are looking for a meal.
If you should discover that bats have taken up residence in your attic or garage, contact a professional in your area. It is important to understand that they must not be touched or handled in any way as rabies can be contracted by humans when scratched or bitten by an infected animal or the bat could be harmed in the process. Proper bat removal can be challenging. It is important to remove them and relocate them without injury as they are a necessary part of our ecosystem. On the other hand, it is unwise to attempt it without the help of a professional as there are many things that can go wrong. Bats have been known to find a way out through the actual home when unsuspecting residents have sealed up their entry and exit holes.
Contact Precise Termite and Pest Control For Your Bat Removal
If your home has been invaded by bats and you are looking for a professional Morris County bat removal company, contact Precise Termite and Pest Control at (866) 971-2847 to schedule a free home or business inspection. We are located in Morris County, but provide pest services to Bergen and Passaic County as well as other parts of New Jersey. Our use of Integrated Pest Management techniques reduces the use of harsh pesticides which in turn increases safety for your family or business.