Tag Archives: bat removal nj

What Bat Droppings Look Like and Other Signs of a Bat Infestation

Bat flying in attic

Bats are actually very beneficial to humans because they help pollinate flowers, spread seeds, and eat insects to help control pests. But this certainly doesn’t mean that you want a bat living in your home!

In fact, bats can cause a lot of damage to a home and make you spend hard-earned money on costly repairs.

Here is some information about what bat droppings look like and other common bat infestation signs. We’ll also provide tips about bat removal solutions and how to prevent future infestations of bats in your home.

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How to Pest Proof Your Home in the Winter: Bergen County, NJ

pest control bergen county

People think summer pests are terrible, but they should just wait until winter. When the temperatures drop in New Jersey, pests like insects and rodents are just like us: They head indoors. Here are some things you can do to pest-proof your home in the wintertime. Continue reading

The Best Bat Removal in Bergen County

Bat Removal Bergen County NJ

It’s no coincidence that bats are considered a symbol of Halloween and the autumn season– as temperatures begin to drop in the Bergen County area, bat activity begins to rise. Why does this happen, and what can homeowners do to keep kids, pets, and themselves out of harm’s way?

A big part of the rise in bat activity has to do with their life cycle. Bats are born in the very late spring and early summer, and spend only six weeks nursing. After being weaned and maturing into adult bats, baby bats are finally ready to go off on their own. This means two things– mating season, and a burst of activity as bats scramble to put on enough weight to hibernate through the winter. Continue reading

Bat Proof Your House

Bats are amazing creatures. They have keen eyesight and sharp hearing. These flying mammals are an important link in the food web because they spread seeds and help to control the insect population. Unfortunately, they also carry several dangerous diseases. If you are a homeowner, it is wise to make sure your attic is bat-proofed. If you need to perform a bat removal operation, make sure you understand the risks before coming in close contact with these animals.

Normally, bats are harmless. They do not wish to interact with humans, but when people and bats are in close proximity, the possibility for disease transfer increases greatly. Bat-proofing the home is a relatively simple procedure, but if you are not sure how to perform this task or are physically unable to complete the work, call on the services of a professional animal control company.

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Hiring A Professional for Removing Bats From Your Home

Removal is simple when done by a qualified professional New Jersey bat removal company. With natural habitat such as caves and mines becoming rarer, bats are adapting by finding other structures in which to nest. They can cause havoc if they decide to make their home within yours.

Bats provide a crucial role in the control of flying insects, eating vast numbers of mosquitoes and other pests every night. This is why many people actually attempt to attract them to their yards by building bat-specific boxes and placing them in strategic locations. Bat boxes do attract them, but won’t draw them into your home.

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