Obama’s Plan to Protect Bees and How to Remove Bees Safely

Bergen county bee removal

There is growing concern from researchers as well as the public that bee populations continue to decline at dangerous rates. More attention has been drawn to the mass die-offs that have occurred among the beekeepers’ stock of pollinators evidenced by the signs of dead bee bodies found on the ground without explanation. While in recent years it has been revealed that colony collapse is in decline, bee populations have been taking a hit since the 1960s.

President Obama Vows to ‘Save the Bees’

The distinction is significant, however, in that pollinating bee populations are essential to our very survival. For this reason, President Obama has just announced the formation of a task force for the purpose of studying the possible reason or reasons for their decline. The need is great enough for farmers that they must pack up their hives and travel from crop to crop to ensure pollination takes place to produce their annual yield.

As there are far fewer acres being planted these days, the dying bees are emblematic of a food production method that has focused primarily on prize yields. It may be the succession of monocultures, exposure to more and more chemicals or the stresses put upon the hives by the beekeepers. Among those in the field with firsthand knowledge, there is still no definitive answer for the bee decline. Much speculation on bee colony collapse disorder (CCD), first observed in 2006, has focused on possible fungus or fungicides as the culprit. However, the answer appears to be more complicated than that.

Just as complicated can be an attempt to eradicate a hive that has taken hold inside the home. A recent graduation ceremony held at Pasadena High School in California was unexpectedly interrupted when bees hidden in a sprinkler vault were disturbed.

Bee hive removal service experts in the field take notice that there remains a threat to homeowners where native bee species take a liking to the interior wall structure of the home. This tends to occur where there are openings such as in the eaves or soffits allowing bee’s access to the interior construction of the home. Away from public detection or scrutiny, this makes for a prime location to steadily develop a hive where a queen can be protected. For those who have had to deal with the buildup of wax and honeycomb that line the inner walls of the house, there is no question that bee populations are alive and well.

Bees are industrious and particular about their habitat being threatened. If you have ever been near a swarm, you know the level of danger from thousands of angry bees swirling in a giant circle making a heavy buzz that sounds like an engine. This is often the result when people without the experience try to handle the movement of an entire hive.

How to Remove Bees Safely with Precise Pest Control

For more than 25 Precise Termite & Pest Control has been a part of the NJ bee removal service Industry. Their licensed experts know the costs involved when things go wrong. That is why they back their experience with a guarantee that the work to removing bees from the home will be done correctly and effectively without interfering with the current bee population dilemma. If you spot a beehive on your property just contact us or call us at 866-971-2847 for a free inspection or visit.