5 Food Storage Tips for a Pest-Free Pantry

Pests often take up residence around the yard and in the attic in basement, but they can also infiltrate your kitchen and compromise the safety of your food supply. Various types of pests, including ants, moths, rodents, and beetles, love to take up residence in the pantry and feast upon your supply of groceries. To reduce your risk of food contamination and prevent the dreaded task of throwing away everything in your cupboards, here are five food storage tips for a pest-free pantry.

1. Clean Up Spills Right Away

Spills and crumbs are magnets for pests, so make sure to clean up any messes as soon as they happen. A simple wipe with soap and water should do the trick and keep pests away from your shelves.

2. Store Food in Air-Tight Containers  

Proper storage goes a long way in keeping your pantry free of pests. Make sure to use high-quality, airtight containers to seal all types of food in your pantry, such as Tupperware containers or glass Mason jars. Not only are these types of containers great for deterring pests, but they can also help keep your pantry more organized.

3. Inspect Grocery Bags After Shopping

Oftentimes, pests enter pantries from the outside world, and grocery stores are not immune to pest problems. While you’re in the supermarket, check food packaging to ensure that it hasn’t been compromised by pests. Then when you get home, inspect your grocery bags to make sure that pests didn’t hitch a ride back to your house.

4. Check Food Expiration Dates

Pests are likely to be drawn to rotting food that is going bad in your pantry. For your own health and also to deter pests, keep close tabs on the expiration dates of foods in your pantry. Toss any items that have expired or that have developed a bad odor into the trash immediately.

5. Try Bay Leaves in the Pantry

One creative way to help keep pantry pests at bay is to place bay leaves in your pantry. For example, you can tape dried, whole bay leaves to the bottoms and sides of your shelves to deter grain moths. Another suggestion is to add a bay leaf or two into dry goods containers that contain flour, sugar, and rice. This is a tried-and-true DIY method for repelling insects like ants, flies, and cockroaches because they detest the fragrance of this herb.

Precise Pest Control doesn’t just exterminate pests; we help homeowners like you prevent them too. We are experts in the types of pests that invade pantries in Northern New Jersey, and we want to keep your food supply safe and pest-free at all times. Give us a call at 866-971-2847 or fill out our online form for a free inspection and for more helpful tips like these.