Tag Archives: precise pest control services

Bird Removal NJ: When the Non Native European Starlings Invade Your Space

Bergen County Bird Removal

Consulting the best service partners available for bird removal NJ has to offer is your best bet in controlling unwanted pests. European Starlings are a common species of bird that can be found nearly anywhere, from Alaska to Mexico. They are about the size of a robin and each weight about 3.2 ounces. They are completely black during the summer and develop white spots during the winter. Both males and females have pale yellow beaks during the breeding season and dark beaks the rest of the time

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Are Squirrels Becoming a Nuisance in Your Home and Yard?

One of the biggest threats to any well-manicured landscape is the furry-tailed pest better known as the squirrel. New Jersey is home to a variety of squirrels that can seek shelter in parts of your home. Kids might adore them, but homeowners wish them away every year. From wood patios to just-planted bulbs, it seems as though nothing’s safe where the squirrels are concerned. Speaking to a knowledgeable squirrel removal service is your best bet to rid your home of this pests.

Protect Your Flowers

Bulbs can be very expensive and the process of mapping out and planting them is time consuming, so it is with justification that homeowners are incensed when they find the bulbs missing and a squirrel is to blame. Luckily, there are a few options for protecting your garden.

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Facts About Ants and Their Habits

Ants are one of the most abundant insects on Earth with several species found in North America alone. However, their life cycle may be confusing for some people. Ant colonies generally consist of a queen and hundreds of workers. As a community, they help break down organic materials in the garden, recycling nutrients back into the ground. They can become a nuisance if they enter the home. Take a look at an ant’s general life cycle to understand how pest control professionals pinpoint their targets. An ant exterminator in New Jersey that is skilled in removing and  securing the access points into your home are keys to success in effective removal of these pests.

Mating And Egg Laying

Because ants are cold-blooded insects, they usually wait until late spring or early summer to mate. Winged ants take flight and mate with females. The females return to the colony to lay their eggs. Although there is usually one queen, she cannot produce enough eggs individually to keep colonies thriving. Many females that are smaller than the queen, but bigger than the workers, keep a constant supply of eggs flowing. Worker ants, the largest population, don’t have long lifespans, making it critical to reproduce consistently.

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Identifying the Different Types of Termites

Termites, one of the most dreaded words you can hear as a homeowner. Such tiny little creatures, yet they can cause such extensive damage. The sooner you can get a New Jersey Termite control treatment started to get rid of them; the better the chances of eliminating them from your home with minimal damage, but hopefully, no damage.

Termites are known as detritivores, or detritus feeders. This means they feed on dead plants, trees, as well as the dead parts of a living tree. This includes the wood, and the wood in the soil. A termite’s teeth have the ability to tear through and destroy wood. This is why homeowners panic at the very thought of the word, “termite.” Termites are so destructive; they can destroy a home’s foundation, along with the property in it.

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Signs That You Might Have A Termite Infestation

Termites are extremely small insects that have the potential to do large amounts of damage. Termites feast on wood. They live in large colonies that are underneath homes. During the winter time they are in a semi-hibernated state. However, when the ground thaws they become active once again. They will enter into the home through cracks in the foundation, and they will start to eat away at the walls of the home. Obviously, this is of great concern to homeowners. It is estimated that annually termites do more than $5 billion worth of damage to homes. If you have a problem with termites in your home or business, contact a professional New Jersey termite control company right away.

One of the more obvious indications that you have termites in your home is when you see a flying swarm of them in your home. They will swarm together to reproduce. This usually happens when the weather is warmer outside, sometime during the late spring or early summer. Granted, you may not always see the reproductive swarm flying around the house, as this swarm usually gets together only for a short amount of time.

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