5 Winter Pests to Look Out For

pest control in Bergen County

Now that the winter season is here, the temperatures are starting to rapidly decline in New Jersey. Once the temperatures start to drop, unwanted pests start to try to enter your warm home. This makes pest control in New Jersey vitally important during the cold winter months. These are the five winter pests to look out for before they damage your home. If you see any signs of these pests, then make sure to check out our pest control services.


Mice and rats are the most common pests that invade homes during the winter. It is impossible for them to survive out in the cold and snow, so they look to enter warm homes once the temperature drops. Since mice and rats can contort their bodies, they can enter your home through even a small crack. Rodents love to chew on the wires, wood and walls of your home. In addition to the damage they do chewing, rodents also tend to carry fleas that they can also spread through your home.


Raccoons are prevalent throughout the entire year, but they do not look to enter homes until the temperature starts to drop. Raccoons love to live in attics, sheds and garages, but they will most likely head for the attic in the winter. Raccoons tear up almost everything they come in contact with. If a raccoon gets in your attic, then they ruin your possessions and the home’s insulation.


While spiders can invest your home at any time, they are far more prevalent during the winter. While most spiders prey on other pests and are harmless to humans, it can be very difficult determining the species of spider in your home. Even if they are not harmful, most people do not like seeing a spider walk along their walls. A trained pest control expert will be able to take care of your spider infestation with no problem.


The cold weather and lack of sunlight during the winter causes moths to look for refuge in your home. The lights in your home attract the moths on dark and cold nights. Moths love to live in clothes to stay warm. While they are living in your clothes, they will eat the fabric.


Cockroaches, beetles and other small insects love to live in a warm home during the winter. They will damage your carpet and fabrics if they stay in your home for too long. Your home will become an even bigger attraction for cockroaches and beetles after having a big holiday party. If the insects can find crumbs and other food sources in your home, then they may never want to leave. Luckily, a quality pest control specialist can eliminate even the peskiest insects.

Contact A Knowledgeable Pest Control Company in NJ

Protect your home from those pesky animals and insects this winter season and contact a trusted pest control company today. Precise Termite & Pest Control has been servicing Northern New Jersey for over 25 years and aims to make you home pest free. Call us for safe, prompt, and affordable pest control services in New Jersey at (866) 971-2847 to schedule a free inspection.