Raccoons are just one of the common animal problems that homeowners may experience. They can do significant damage to your home and pose a health risk to the community from rabies. Contacting a professional and experienced Bergen County raccoon removal company can help with successfully removing these animals from your residence.
Raccoon Behavior
Raccoons are found throughout the United States and in many areas of the North American continent. They are often found in farmland areas, forested areas or wetlands. Raccoons are recognizable by everyone because of their black facial masks and black-ringed tails. They can weigh between 10 to 30 pounds, with females generally being smaller than males. They are very strong for their compact size. Raccoons can survive on various types of food, including farm crops, insects, rodents, birds, eggs, turtles or garbage. They have their young in late winter or early spring, generally producing about four cubs. They often use attics, roofs, sheds, garages or crawl spaces to raise their young. Any opening in your home’s structure is an invitation for a raccoon to set up housekeeping, and they can create significant damage creating the right nest area to raise their families. They are generally nocturnal animals.
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